Oracle Dba Jobs Interview Question and Answers. PART-2
Continued from: 1. How many memory layers are in the shared pool? Ans: The shared pool portion of the SGA contains three major areas: library cache(contains parsed sql statements,cursor information,execution plans), dictionary cache (contains cache -user account information,privileges information,data file,segment and extent information), buffers for parallel execution messages, and control structure. 2. How do you find out from the RMAN catalog if a particular archive log has been backed-up? Ans: list archivelog all; 3. How can you tell how much space is left on a given file system and how much space each of the file system’s subdirectories take-up? Ans: df -kh and du-sh 4. Define the SGA and: i) How you would configure SGA for a mid-sized OLTP environment? ii) What is involved in tuning the SGA? Ans: SGA: The System Global Area (SGA) is a grou...
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