how to Create Profile and Roles and What is the vlaue of DEFAULT in dba_profile?
Hi Team, Here is how you can deal with working on profile and creating role. A :---I have created role “ testinguserrole” on my test database; Step:-1 ----------------------------------- SQL> create role testinguserrole; GRANT CONNECT TO testinguserrole; GRANT SELECT ON ICP_P.CLAIM TO testinguserrole; GRANT SELECT ON ICP_P.CLAIM_LINE TO testinguserrole; GRANT SELECT ON ICP_P.CLAIM_EDIT TO testinguserrole; GRANT SELECT ON ICP_P.CLAIM_LINE_EDIT TO testinguserrole; GRANT SELECT ON ICP_P.CLAIM_LINE_MODIFIER TO testinguserrole; GRANT SELECT ON ICP_P.CLAIM_LINE_DIAGNOSIS TO testinguserrole; GRANT SELECT ON ICP_P.CLAIM_LINE_USER_DEFINED_FIELD TO testinguserrole; to verify the dba_tab_privs for testinguserrole select * from dba_tab_privs where grantee = 'testinguserrole'; Now i am creating user and will assign them the role. SQL> CREATE USER &username IDENTIFIED BY &username 2 DEFAULT TABLESPACE DATA1 3 TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP 4 PROFILE DE...