Hi, Below Script will help you find Oracle Table Size, free and Used percentage. clear breaks clear computes clear columns set pagesize 50 set linesize 120 set heading on column tablespace_name heading 'Tablespace' justify left format a20 truncated column tbsize heading 'Size|(Mb) ' justify left format 9,999,999.99 column tbused heading 'Used|(Mb) ' justify right format 9,999,999.99 column tbfree heading 'Free|(Mb) ' justify right format 9,999,999.99 column tbusedpct heading 'Used % ' justify left format a8 column tbfreepct heading 'Free % ' justify left format a8 break on report compute sum label 'Totals:' of tbsize tbused tbfree on report select t.tablespace_name, round(a.bytes,2) tbsize, nvl(round(c.bytes,2),'0') tbfree, nvl(round(b.bytes,2),'0') tbused, to_char(round(100 * (nvl(b.bytes,0)/nvl(a.bytes,1)),2)) || '%' tbusedpct, to_char(round(100 * (nvl(c.bytes,0)/nvl(a.bytes,1)),2)) || '%' tbfr...
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